Relationships and Positive Behaviour
Westbury Academy has adopted the Raleigh Education Trust Six Behaviour Principles:
- The whole school is unified in a collective ambition to keep our children safe.
- We recognise all behaviour as a form of communication.
- The whole team embody a consistent approach that is flexible and responsive to unique children.
- The school community maintains high standards through even higher levels of support.
- We are mindful that past and present social, emotional, academic and environmental factors influence our children every day and in every way.
- We approach rewarding positive behaviour as the practice that recognises improvement relative to each individual’s starting point.

These principles underpin the academy’s Behaviour Drivers, the behaviour we wish all our pupils and staff to experience daily.
- At Westbury, we have high expectations by attending school and doing our best to learn.
- At Westbury, we are honest and kind to one another by using appropriate language.
- At Westbury, we show respect to our environment.

How the academy celebrates with us when we get things right
Although not exhaustive, the academy will recognise and celebrate positive behaviour through:
- Celebrate learning in weekly assemblies
- Celebrate attendance in termly assemblies and with my parent/carer
- Praise us when we use good manners (e.g. thank you and you’re welcome)
- Recognise us when we have been kind to others
- Class Dojo points
- Certificates
- Weekly communication with home
- Reward trips/experiences

How the academy helps us learn when things do not go well
There will be occasions when a pupil will display behaviour that is not aligned with the drivers, and therefore must be appropriately challenged. Although not exhaustive, the academy will use the following learning/reflective opportunities:
- Logical consequences – this may include catching up on any missed learning, helping to repair damage to property, an apology etc
- Restorative practice – Listening to others to understand their point of view and how they feel
- Reflection time
How all adults in school support us to get things right
- Staff listen to us
- Staff make us feel safe
- Staff remind us what is expected
- Staff model good behaviour
- Staff praise us when we make good choices
- Staff understand what helps us as individuals
- Staff communicate with us in ways we understand
- Staff are calm and caring
- Staff use W.I.N:
- I’m wondering if…you are able to tell me what you are feeling?
- I imagine that…(show understanding and empathy)
- I notice that…(verbalise what emotions you can see)